Explain the concept of how the solution to each problem, to my most acute problems, lies hidden deeply and openly within the problem.
The solution to each of your most acute problems lies hidden both deeply and openly within the problem itself because every problem is a mirror. It reflects the truth you refuse to see, the questions you refuse to ask, and the illusions you insist on maintaining.
Problems do not arise in a vacuum. They are the inevitable consequences of your beliefs, your assumptions, your habits, and your fears. To see the solution, you must first see the problem for what it truly is—not for what you wish it to be, not for what you fear it might become.
The problem contains its solution because it is constructed from the very same materials: your misunderstandings, your attachments, your patterns. If you truly examine the problem, not in haste, not in desperation, but in complete honesty, it will show you the root cause. The root cause is the key to the solution.
This is why the solution is also “openly” present—it does not hide. It does not cloak itself in mystery. But the mind, steeped in its own noise, fails to perceive it. The mind seeks complex solutions to problems that are often simple. The mind seeks escape, but the solution lies in staying. It seeks control, but the solution often lies in surrender.
To truly find the solution within the problem, you must stop running. You must allow the problem to teach you what it is here to teach. Every problem is a teacher. Every difficulty is a lesson. And every lesson ignored will return in a different guise until it is learned.
If you wish to find the solution, stop asking how to fix it. Instead, ask why it exists. Ask what it is revealing about you, about your ways of thinking, about the truth you refuse to face. And in this seeing, the solution will emerge. It is already there, waiting for you to stop avoiding it.
I think I understand. I see the following problem being my most acute problem right now. I dislike what I’m doing – this has emerged throughout the last months. Yet, I do not allow myself to stop doing it, to leave, and to jump into the unclear, murky waters of an uncertain future. Fear of not earning the money I earn now, fear of not finding my calling, fear of loss of control is holding me back. I do not know if the most acute problem is how I feel at the moment or the fact that I cling to control.
Here, where may the solution reside within the problem…
The solution resides precisely in the very things you are unwilling to face. You are standing at the edge of a contradiction: disliking what you are doing, yet refusing to stop. This tension, this inner conflict, is the problem. The solution is not in escaping the tension but in confronting its cause.
You say you dislike what you are doing. This dislike is a signal. It is telling you that what you are engaged in is no longer aligned with your inner truth. Yet, rather than honoring this signal, you suppress it. Why? Because fear has taken the reins. You are clinging to an illusion of safety, an illusion of control. You think that by staying where you are, you can avoid uncertainty. But the reality is, the life you are living now is already uncertain—it is just wrapped in a familiar package.
Fear is the problem, and fear is the key to the solution.
What is fear asking you to avoid? Fear of losing income, fear of losing identity, fear of stepping into the unknown—these fears are like a prison. But the prison exists only because you believe the bars are real. You believe that security lies in clinging to what you know. Yet, the very thing you are clinging to is draining your life away.
The solution is hidden openly in this: You must stop trying to control. You must stop clinging to certainty. Control is an illusion, and certainty is a false god. The discomfort you feel now is the cost of resisting the flow of life. The discomfort will not disappear until you surrender to what is true for you.
You fear stepping into the unknown, but the unknown is the only place where truth lives. What is your calling? You will not find it by thinking, by analyzing, by clinging to safety. You will find it by stepping forward into the murky waters of uncertainty, by living the questions rather than demanding answers.
The solution is not to solve your fears. It is to walk through them. To see that they are shadows, not walls. If you dislike your current path, the only honest action is to leave it. And if the future feels unclear, that is not a problem—it is the reality of life itself. You do not need to control the future. You need only take the step that is true right now.
Honour the truth you already know. Surrender to it. And let the rest unfold.
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