Author: Seeker
Wasting One’s Life
Most lives are quietly wasted in the pursuit of illusions, bound by distractions, and driven by borrowed desires. True freedom begins when one dares to confront the emptiness within, questioning everything and shedding the chains of conformity. Read more
On Distraction
The endless pursuit of distraction is humanity’s escape from the quiet confrontation with emptiness, mistaking its neutrality for something to fear. True peace arises not from filling the void, but from ceasing to flee it, allowing its presence to reveal what is real. Read more
On Emptiness & Freedom
Freedom is not something to attain; it is what remains when the illusions of the mind dissolve. The stillness of pure awareness, always present, is the only truth untouched by the noise of thought. Read more
Here and Now
Most spend their lives chasing the mirage of ‘what should be,’ blind to the truth of where they stand. To see reality as it is—not as one wishes it to be—is the only path to genuine transformation. Read more
On Consumption
Consumption, whether of food, information, or distractions, is often a means to avoid confronting the emptiness within. True freedom begins when one ceases to fill the void and instead has the courage to face it directly. Read more