You have said “No one looks at where they are because they are busy looking at where they should be”. Please explain.
It is because the human being is perpetually dissatisfied with the present moment. His mind is addicted to imagining a future that will deliver him from his imagined misery.
But in doing so, he loses sight of where he is. He loses sight of the reality in which he lives. He becomes blind to his present state, his present habits, and his present condition. And thus, he cannot truly see.
To see is to face reality as it is—not as one wishes it to be. But the mind resists this. It clings to fantasies of “what should be.” And these fantasies prevent him from ever coming into contact with what is.
Without facing what is, there is no transformation. There is only escape. A temporary, illusory escape that leads him back into the same cycle of dissatisfaction.
Therefore, to look at where you are is the beginning of clarity. It is the first step toward freedom.